Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Edmonton DroneDay 2025 Call for Artists
Saturday, January 11, 2025
BEAMS Art's Birthday 2025!
Art’s Birthday
Time: 8:00 pm MST
Where: Collins Studio Gallery (11741 – 94 Street)
Media Contact:
Shawn Pinchbeck
President, BEAMS
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
BEAMS Art’s Birthday 2025 Call for live performances!
BEAMS Art’s Birthday 2025
Call for live performances!
Submission Deadline: January 6, 2025!
We are seeking submissions of live performances for the BEAMS Art’s Birthday celebration happening on January 17, 2025 at the Collins Studio Gallery at 11741-94 St, Edmonton.
Performances should be no longer than 20 min and represent the genres of electroacoustic music, experimental music, electronic music, sound art, noise, improvisation, sound experimentation or soundy performance art.
Send your proposals by January 6th with the subject line “Art’s Bday 2025” to:
Art’s Birthday originated in 1963 when French surreal artist Robert Filliou declared that art didn’t exist until a million years ago when someone dropped a dry sponge into a pail of water. Choosing his own birthday of Jan. 17 to celebrate the event, Filliou proposed a public holiday, which has since been adopted by arts organizations and collectives in more than 20 nations worldwide. BEAMS has been hosting it yearly since 2010.
The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS) is a non-profit society dedicated to the promotion and production of sound art, experimental music and new media. Its membership consists of professional musicians, composers and performance artists from diverse backgrounds driven to create a voice for sound orientated art in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
This event is sponsored by the Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society (AMAAS). BEAMS thanks them for their continued support!
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Together Apart V…an evening of audio wonderments
Together Apart V…an evening of audio wonderments
Time: 8:00 pm MST
Where: and your private parlour
Thursday, September 19, 2024
OSPAC Open House with Juno award winners and BEAMS
What: OSPAC Openhouse!
When: Sept 27,28,29 but BEAMS is on Sept 29, 2024 at 1pm
Where: 8426 Gateway Blvd NW, Edmonton
Hosted by Lionel Rault – iconic Edmonton musician, music historian, and CKUA on air personality.
Also featuring Ron Rault, Bill Hobson, David Aide, Dave Babcock, member of Cosmopoliatn Music Society's concert bands, and closing set by Punch Drunk Cabaret.
Hosted: Maria Dunn - Juno award winning singer songwriter.
Also featuring Terry McDade, Shannon Johnson, Jeremiah McDade, Debbie Houle, Sherryl Sewepagaham, and members of Cosmopolitan Music Society's chorus.
Curated by Arlo Maverick and Hosted by: Bobby T - business leader, content creator, and social media guru.
Also featuring Darren Jordan, Dirt Gritie, KazMega, Touch, and closing set by Dirt Gritie & Band.
Hosted by Dr. Shawn Pinchbeck - founding member of the Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society and PhD in electroacoustic music.
Sunday, June 9, 2024
Annual General Meeting
AGM June 24 Monday at 12 noon.
Come to this page just before noon to see a zoom or a link for the video conference AGM.
Friday, May 31, 2024
BEAMS and AMASS sponsor Edmonton Noisefest 2024
On August 17th 2024 Edmonton noisefest will happen again at the Aviary!
Checkout for more details.
Friday, May 17, 2024
BEAMS Presents Drone Day 2024
Saturday May 25th, 2024, Idylwylde Community League, 3pm to midnight.
$10 for BEAMS members, and $10 for BEAMS memberships. Free for Idylwylde Community League members.
Time On | Project Name | Duration | Performance Description |
15:00 | m.o.a.i.n. | 30 minutes | I will use some free software and Ableton live to improvise a live mixing variety of drones together for a complex dynamic of drone sound. |
15:30 | Brick Road | 45 minutes | I will drone using pure drone and other continuous sounds with electronic and acoustic instruments. |
16:15 | Microenvironment | 30 minutes | "Lost to time" An evolving layer of tension that slowly builds into a satisfying release. |
16:45 | Wayne Defehr | 45 minutes | This piece weaves drone tones drawn from the sounds of the environment, such as my field recordings of the wind at the UA farm, and the North Saskatchewan R., along with the sounds of the weather sensors on the roof of the UA department of Geography, recorded with a JSON script and the API from a Weather Canada site. |
17:30 | Dinosaur Dragondrone | 45 minutes | Building and maintaining an 'organic' feedback loop. Organic being not directly feeding the source signal back to itself...but relying on acoustic resonance and standing waves within the room to carry the sound. |
18:15 | Jared Epp | 30 minutes | I plan to perform a new composition, that will be part structured and part improvised. It will be electronic based and may include some loops of found sound recordings. |
18:45 | James Parrott | 1 hour | I plan to do a mix of improvised performance, plus a mix of field recordings and previous works. |
19:45 | Ghost Cars | 1 hour | A longform piece made with guitar, keyboard, and samples. |
20:45 | Matt McKenzie | 1 hour | Two or three compositions that explore ostinatos as a means of producing drones. Various synthesis techniques will be used including granular/sample-based. |
21:45 | Gary James Joynes / Clinker | 1 hour | Modular Synthesizer Drone Set |
22:45 | Gray Hartley | 30 minutes | Subject to change in the next 2 months but mainly just improvised guitar drones visually accompanied by the animated childhood trauma classic Watership Down |
23:15 | K.M. Toepfer | 45 minutes | I plan to perform an improvised piece of sustained tones and shifting, reverberating drone-scapes created with feedback from home stereo equipment as the source material. |
Sunday, April 28, 2024
BEAMS Presents Drone Day 2024
For immediate release
April 28, 2024
BEAMS celebrates a decade of drone
EDMONTON—The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society will commemorate National Drone Day, taking place Saturday, May 25, with an extensive live concert at Idylwylde Community Hall (8631-81 St.) starting at 3 pm. The event is expected to run until midnight.
Twelve artists from Edmonton and the surrounding region will perform sets varying in length from 30 minutes to an hour, performing drone music, often described as the taking the form of sustained sounds with a minimalist delivery. The repertoire of the acts playing that day (Brick Road, Wayne DeFehr, Dinosaur Dragondrone, Jared Epp, Ghost Cars, Gray Hartley, Gary James Joynes, Matt McKenzie, Microenvironment, m.o.a.i.n., James Parrott, and K.M. Toepfer) are slated to play a wide range of sounds from melodic tones to found-sound noise, which all fall under the requisites of what is considered drone.
The show takes place 10 years to the month of the first National Drone Day festivities, which first took place May 10, 2014. The event, first dreamed up by Marie LeBlanc Flanagan, co-founder of alternative music distributor Weird Canada, has become a national and annual occurrence ever since.
“Drone Day is a reclamation of the idea of a holiday, of a community celebration with no purpose beyond a shared interest in drone music, a community and a marked moment in time,” said LeBlanc Flanagan to Grid City Magazine in 2015.
Tickets to the Edmonton festivities of National Drone Day are $20, $10 for BEAMS members. The show is free to members of the Idylwylde Community League.
Media Contact:
Abram Hindle
Friday, March 29, 2024
Artist Spotlight
Every Friday we are going to be doing an artist spot light to help promote all the artists in our community. If you want us to share your music/videos on our social media. Send us a short bio and link to what you want shared. This is going to be on going so there is no limit to how much you submit. The more the merrier! Make a list of all you would like to share along with the short bio and email your submissions to:
With the subject “Weekly Spotlight”
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Drone Day 2024 - Call for Performers
Here's the form if you want to try to perform:
Friday, February 16, 2024
U.K. resident, multi-instrumentalist and improvisor Paul Morris brings his act Argument Club over to this side of the pond to his old stomping grounds of Edmonton for a one-night engagement presented by the Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS). Morris was a regular live performer and recording artist, before absconding to England, where he continues to make his own brand of audio wizardry. He’s also recognized by the likes of Rochester, NY-based WAYO-FM as one of the world’s best improvisors. Also performing will be k burwash, Skrunt Skrunt, and Shawn Pinchbeck.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
Art's Birthday 2024
Jan 20th 8pm and Jan 20th 2pm for Open Mic
Edmonton to join the world for a weird arts celebration
The Boreal Electroaoustic Music Society (BEAMS) will celebrate Art’s Birthday, one of the world’s most unusual celebrations of art. The event, Art’s Birthday Edmonton 2024, takes place Saturday, Jan. 20 at 8 p.m. at Idylwylde Community League (8631-81 Street).
The show will feature a wide range of Edmonton sound artists and experimental musicians, many of whom have garnered international reputations for their work. Slated to play are James Parrott, Wayne DeFehr, Cave To Hades, Shawn Pinchbeck, Skrunt Skrunt, XiME, and The Alt-Wrong Orchestra.
BEAMS has hosted this annual event in Edmonton since 2010, as part of a global tribute to art, an idea conceived by French surrealist Robert Filliou in 1963. He believed that a million years ago, art did not exist until a sponge was dropped into a pail of water, and picked his own birthday, Jan. 17, to celebrate the occasion. Charmed by the absurdity of the notion, artists, predominantly in Europe, have been celebrating Art’s Birthday ever since. A comprehensive background of the event and international listings are available on .
A free open mic event hosted by the Idylwylde Community League also takes place that day at 2 p.m. Admission to Art’s Birthday is free to Idylwylde Community League members, $10 to BEAMS members, $20 to non-members, with a BEAMS membership to newcomers built into the price.
Friday, January 5, 2024
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Art’s birthday call for performers
Call for live performances!
Submission deadline: Saturday, January 6 2024
Art's Birthday is just around the corner and we are looking for live performers. This year's art's birthday will be held in person live at the Idylwyle community league hall (8631 81 St NW, Edmonton, AB).
It is going to be a full day of live music. The first half of the day will be an open mic for Idylwylde community members. The second half will be BEAMS experimental music performances. There are no specifics for the performances we are looking for. Just your creative selves doing what you love in the name of art! Performances will be scheduled for 20 minutes. This event is sponsored by AMAAS and BEAMS performers will be compensated.
With the subject "Art's Bday 2024"
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Together Apart IV…an evening of audio wonderments
BEAMS presents…
Together Apart IV…an evening of audio wonderments
Date: Friday, November 24, 2023
Time: 8:00 pm MST
Where: and your private parlour
Together Apart is an evening curated by composer Shawn Pinchbeck (CAN/EST) of sound and electroacoustic music artists from Belgium, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania and the UK; presented by the Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS). Each performance has been specially selected for this event to tickle your ears, lubricate your listening organs and open your third eye.
This year’s fantastical audio visual voyage includes works by Bleak House (UK), Daniel Cramer (CAN), Krista Dintere (LV), Robert Dintere (LV), Gary James Joynes (CAN), Gintas K (LT), Phiqual Poynte (CAN), Pierre-Luc Senécal (CAN), Shaun Robert (UK), Nathaniel Sutton (CAN), The Third Guy and Stijn Demeulenaere (BE), and Paula Vitola (LV). We will be broadcasting from the UPDATE Festival in Liepaja, Latvia.
Please join us for the live presentation or enjoy it on our Twitch channel afterwards at your leisure.
The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS) is a non-profit society dedicated to the promotion and production of sound art, experimental music and new media. Its membership consists of professional musicians, composers and performance artists from diverse backgrounds driven to create a voice for sound orientated art in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
This event is sponsored by the Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society (AMAAS). BEAMS thanks them for their support!
Media Contact:
Shawn Pinchbeck
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Together Apart IV…an evening of audio wonderments
BEAMS presents
Together Apart IV…an evening of audio wonderments
Call for video works or streamed performances! Deadline November 18, 2023!
We are seeking submissions of video or Twitch live streamed performances from sound and electroacoustic music artists of all kinds. A modest artist fee will be paid for the accepted submissions.
Together Apart is an evening of sound and electroacoustic music artists from around the world to be presented by the Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS) on November 24, 2023 at 8 pm on our streaming channel:
The previous three years’ events were very diverse with artists from Canada, UK, USA, Lithuania and Estonia. The performances explored various facets of improvisation, modular synths, found sound objects, and location specific works. Their accompanying videos featured computer generated images, analogue video synthesizers, manipulated video, documentary style footage, 16 mm experimental film and documentation of the performance itself. We are again looking for diverse “audio wonderments” to share with our audience this year!
Send your submissions by Nov 18th with the subject line “Together Apart IV” to:
The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS) is a non-profit society dedicated to the promotion and production of sound art, experimental music and new media. Its membership consists of professional musicians, composers and performance artists from diverse backgrounds driven to create a voice for sound orientated art in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
This event is sponsored by the Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society (AMAAS). BEAMS thanks them for their continued support!
Shawn Pinchbeck