Tuesday, June 9, 2015

BEAMS at The Works

June 22, 7pm, Stanley Milner Library at 7 Sir Winston Churchill Square.

The experimental sound artists of The Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (BEAMS), are presenting a free evening of electronic and experimental music and multimedia in the Stanley Milner Library Theatre on Monday, June 22 at 7:00 p.m. as part of the Works Festival of Art and Design. The show features the surreal soundscapes of St Crispin's Improv, Motonogo, Skruntskrunt, Shawn Pinchbeck, Allison Balcetis and agapéraygunexperiment with animated video by John Osborne and others. Sound artists Don Ross, Mark Segger, Gene Kosowan, Steve Sereda, Will Truchon, Abram Hindle, Phil Jagger and friends will use tech high and low, including electromagnetic waves from stars, a typewriter, projectors, synths, loopers, kaoss pad, clarinet, guitar, drums and saxophone.
Admission is free.  Stanley Milner Library is at 7 Sir Winston Churchill Square.